Are you in a committed partnership and want to stop going through the motions and rekindle the connection you once had?
If so, our year-long relationship Master Class series is just what you need.

Do you remember the kind of life you dreamed about when you first got together with your “forever person?”
What did you envision your relationship and life would look like when you believed that love was enough?
Maybe you thought you’d always…
- get along and not have lingering resentment
- be on the same page for important decisions
- feel aligned in your parenting
- have passion and desire for one another
- feel that building a home and careers would be fulfilling and satisfying
- live happily ever after
But then life happened, and now you’re here. And your day-to-day experiences don’t match the vision you once had, and you’re realizing that love isn’t enough to carry you through the challenges and realities your relationship is facing.
As professionals and partners in life and love, and in our combined experience in our entire careers, here’s what we see:
- Couples wait 6 years too long after problems arise to learn the tools to repair disconnection
- Time does not heal all wounds
- Trust can be broken in seconds and can take years to repair
- Relationships are eroded by a gradual accumulation of hurts, resentments and annoyances
- Couples rarely have the role model for the kind of relationship they want, preventing them from achieving the relationship they desire
- Once they decide they want to strengthen their relationship, they don’t know where to begin
We invite you to download this free Master Class, Love Isn’t Enough, So Then What? We will explore 3 common areas that prevent connection: stress, repetitive negative patterns, and communication challenges, and provide insight and tools to heal and connect.
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