Love Isn’t Enough…
so now what?

Joree & John have been featured in…

Imagine this…you and your partner are having the same old argument that you normally do, but instead of getting angry, with no resolution, then sweeping it under the rug, you are able to have an effective conversation, in which you both feel heard, you repair quickly and actually feel closer as a result on understanding one another more deeply. This is possible!

My significant other and I had the opportunity to attend a workshop put on by John and Joree. The material covered was amazing. In fact I found it so pertinent that I commented that they could have been ghost writing my experiences in relationships. Anyone though can present good material. What made this workshop unique was much of it was presented from a first person perspective.

As a couple they didn’t hesitate to share some of their own challenges and some of the techniques they’ve tried to incorporate into their own lives. For me this humanized my experience and made it so much easier to accept and own. Another thing I saw and appreciated was the nodding of heads from the other attendees. I thought well look at that, these issues aren’t as uncommon as I thought.

In closing I can’t stress how informative,entertaining and eye opening this workshop was. I would not hesitate to recommend and I certainly would attend another, and another….

~ Steven S.

Everyone wants to be happy.

And while we all have the best of intentions to be the best partner we can be for our significant other, we often have poor execution on this goal.


Because love isn’t enough.

We are all fed a fairy tale from a very young age: find your one true love, have incredible passion, be best friends, get engaged, get married, have kids, maintain your intimacy, be financially secure, and then you’ll be happy….forever!

This fairy tale has resulted in a 50% divorce rate…and who knows how many unhappy marriages are just sticking it out?

Obviously, love isn’t enough.

You can love someone, and still lose the spark you once shared.

You can love someone, and suddenly find you have nothing in common.

You can love someone, and still not feel seen, heard, or validated.

You can love someone, and not know how to communicate effectively.

You can love someone, and lack emotional depth with them.

You can love someone, and not connect sexually.

You can love someone, and not know how to fight fair.

You can love someone, and still struggle to be supportive, or kind, or honest.

You can love someone, and be growing in opposite directions.

You can love someone, and your partner may not be right for you.

You can love someone, and the relationship can still not work out.

It’s not your fault. It’s just that no one has ever taught you these skills. It IS your responsibility to learn and apply them because…

You deserve more.

Your relationship deserves more.

Your children deserve to have a healthy relationship modeled for their own future partnership.

You and your partner both deserve to be happy and successful in all aspects of your life.

John and Joree conducted their workshop with ease and vulnerability. Sharing both their own struggles and journey into their relationships helped deliver a powerful message about relationships. Just seeing how they overcame their challenges helped everyone of us relate to their experience. We all wanted to hear more and at the same time, we wanted to share more of our own experience. Practicing the principles taught became a common goal for all of us. Hopefully, John and Joree will continue to teach us how to use powerful tools to help our communication and become more connected as a couple.
~ Madeleine

So how do you get the relationship you want??

If you’re committed to your relationship, and you both decide you’re ready to learn the skills then you’ve come to the right people.

All the skills you need to be a master in your relationship are scientifically-backed and learnable!

John and Joree not only have individually been studying and teaching these tools in their professional lives for over 20 years, but for years, they’ve been able to put them to the test in their relationship with each other. And you don’t need to be mental health professionals to make them work!

Everyone can do these tools. Everyone needs to do them.

So the question really is… are you ready to have the ultimate relationship right now?

Life is always busy. There is always going to be something pulling your attention away from focusing on your relationship – the kids, work, financial pressures, familial responsibilities.

And…now is the time. You have no more time to waste. Make your relationship the highest priority because the grass is greener where you water it.

If you are in a committed partnership and want to stop going through the motions and rekindle the connection you once had, then our year-long relationship Master Class series is just what you need.


Click here to learn more.

Joree and John
We may be happier than we ever have been. In GREAT THANKS to John and Joree. We tried two other ways — and it was John and Joree who really made the difference; you really gave us the most practical tools — and you stuck with us! THANK YOU!
~ Kerrie D.

Hear our story:

We are Joree Rose, MA, LMFT & Dr. John Schinnerer and we both believed in the fairy tale. And we both ended up divorced. After marrying, and then ending our relationship, with our high school sweethearts, we never thought that we’d find someone to love again.

Our bubble had been burst in believing that the ultimate love was possible.

We both spent time dating, but never found the right one. Dating provided the opportunity to learn much about ourselves, and what we wanted and needed in relationship, and how to be more discerning.

And then, one fateful day, Joree and John connected on Tinder. Yes, Tinder!

My husband and I continue to watch each master class recording and we are working through the handouts and exercises. We’re really enjoying the sessions and find them to be very valuable. Everything Joree and John discuss, as well as your examples shared, really resonates with us both. Thank you for offering the series and we forward to the coming months’ topics.
~ Brenda

If we can do it, then we promise you can too!